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Useful Links

This is the Library of the ANFT and provides sources of both scientific and media information on Forest Therapy, Nature Immersion, the psychological & physiological benefits of nature and its effect on well-being. Plenty of evidential reading.


A state-of-the-art review of empirical research conducted on the physiological and psychological effects of Shinrin-Yoku (or Forest Bathing) (Click icon)


More medical empirical research on Forest Bathing (Click icon)


The benefits of coaching in a natural environment or Nature Coaching.


The benefits of coaching and the Evidence-based Research on the Effectiveness of Coaching


The Powerful benefits of mentoring


Nature based coaching and leadership immersions

My Blog

How is your ‘OKness’?

How is your ‘OKness’?

Richard Erskine, a clinical psychologist, and author described OKness as: “The belief and associated feeling of comfort that no matter what happens to me, no matter how bad the situation, I will...

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